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3 Realistic Goals

Hey guys,

Today's Food for Fought is "Write about 3 realistic goals that you want to achieve in your lifetime."

There's so much I want to do with my life, so much that I want to touch on and love and learn and laugh about. I have a lot of different goals, but I'm going to be touching on three overarching ones and the reason I created this blog for the most part.

Goal #1: Safe Space I want to create a safe space where people can talk and give each other advice and be able to have a support network that won't judge them. I want this blog to become that eventually and to have people work on this blog answering questions and just being there for people. I don't have all the answers, but I want to help people and I want people to get the help that they need. I don't know where life is going to take me, but I do know that I want to be able to have a voice and to give others a voice as well. I don't just want to be someone in the corner without making a difference in the world and I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror. I want to be able to look back at my life and say that I touched people's lives. I don't know how many people that's going to be (my original goal was 5,000 people, but that would be limiting God, so I'd rather not set a goal for how many people), but I do know that I want to love so many people and create something for them

Goal #2: 5 Songs

I want to make at least 5 songs in my lifetime. That doesn't sound like a lot, but I've always loved music and I have a lot of ideas (my poems aren't lyrics, those are poems and my brain differentiates because I sing lyrics in my head to certain melodies). I want to be able to express my thoughts in that way and to make songs that I can jam to and relate to in a way that other songs might not be able to. I hope that I get to do this in my lifetime (I have a lot of time hopefully, though I could die soon unfortunately). Goal #3: School System

The last goal is the actual goal that I want to work on for the rest of my life. The other two are just fun ideas to get to know me and are side goals, but I want to be able to create a better school system and make a world where children don't get shot, where they get to pick their own path and can do whatever they want. I want to make a world that I can look at and feel proud of. I'm so tired of looking at the news and seeing something worse happening. We have to start at the bottom and build a better foundation because this isn't working and I believe that the bottom is the school system, the building blocks of our country. I mean we have a lot to change and a lot that could be made better and I've been meaning to start a few new series describing exactly all that needs to be changed, but that will come soon. I hope you guys have a great Friday.

- Alex Risdall :)

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