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Alex Risdall


“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst”

- William Penn

People keep telling me I’m young, that I’m only 21 and I have my whole life ahead of me. It can feel like the world is caving in around you, that you don’t have enough time. The truth is that we never have enough time, but it’s what we do with the time that is given to us that’s important. Saying no, saying yes, being open to new experiences, but also being able to protect your time is a vital skill that I am still trying to learn.

Time is such a fragile thing because we use so much of it on things that don’t mean very much. Social media is a big time commitment that I’ve had to say no to countless times because it’s good for socializing, or setting up social situations, but it also drained my social battery and I got so focused on social media that when I got to the social situations, I took them for granted. I’m still trying to learn that balance and that does mean that I’ve had to say no to certain social media. Snapchat being the main one that would take my social battery and the app made me so focused on keeping up with my streaks that when I got rid of the app, I felt free. I felt my mind clear a little more and it was one of the final steps in my metamorphosis.

I’m not trying to go after social media. There’s a million things that take your time and can become a time waste if not used effectively. Movies, art, tv shows. I love these things and they make living worth it, but at the same time, everything in moderation and I try to only watch them when I’m either A) trying to learn something from them or B) when I know that I need a break - AFTER finishing a project.

Time is really all we have. All the money in the world can’t buy more time and I want to use mine to learn as much as I can. Which is why I try so many different challenges to try and challenge myself physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, and emotionally. I think that it’s important to challenge yourself and try to find your limits and you’re going to surprise yourself. Maybe not right away, things do take time but you will find your limits and, hopefully, will surpass those limits.

The challenges that I am going to be doing for this next semester are going to be explained in a post on Thursday, which I’m excited about since I’ve been researching them and asking people around me about them and there’s still more that I’m trying to set up for the future that I’m excited for. But I always feel like I’m running out of time, not because I am. I have my whole life ahead of me. But because it puts a time limit and I get a sense of urgency on what I need to do. We always think it’s the end of the world with whatever we do, but it’s not. We’ll be okay and we’ll survive. No. We’ll do more than that. Let’s thrive together and make this world the world that we want to live in. It might take time, but time is really the only thing that we have. So remember to guard your time and to fill your time with things that you truly want to do and live a good life. It can be hard to say no, but it’s a necessary skill to thrive in this world.

Good luck everyone and until next time. Have a fantastic day and God bless all of you,

Alex Risdall :)

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