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With this being such a hot topic right now in America, I needed to get my thoughts to think it through. I think that if we want to ban abortion, we need to make the world livable for the babies that WILL be put up for adoption. You cannot be "Pro-Life" and be against abortion at this point in time because we NEED to make a world that the babies that aren't aborted because you banned it can live in and thrive. We need to revamp the foster system, the adoption system, the school system, and so much more because this isn't right. I'm not saying that banning abortion is right, I'm not saying it's wrong. I'm saying that the only way to go forward is to make a world worth living for the babies. Frankly, I don't think there is a "pro-life" or "pro-choice" because I think that makes it too black and white. "Pro-life" implies that you are for life and against choice, but it's more complicated than that.

If you are Pro-life, you have to make a world that invites life and doesn't just give them an existence.

If you are Pro-choice, you have to make a world where the kids have options too.

Honestly, I think banning abortion is a good thing overall, but I think that it needs to come later because honestly being pro-choice would mean that I'm not giving the baby a choice and being pro-life means giving a baby an awful one most of the time. We have some major revamps that need to happen before we can talk about abortion and I'd say let it be for now because it shouldn't be a primary issue. The only thing I can say is that if you ban abortion, then you better be ready to make some major revamps to everything to do with young people because I don't want those babies that are being born from YOUR law to be sidelined by YOUR laws and put into a world that focuses so much on capitalism that sometimes it feels like this isn't a free country.

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