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Accepting Love

"We accept the love we think we deserve." - Stephen Chbosky (Perks of being a Wallflower)

This quote has always stuck with me. Though I've never read the book "Perks of being a Wallflower," this quote has always stood out to me when I read it in other works. This quote has stuck with me because we oftentimes put ourselves down and don't think that we deserve any of the love that we get and so we try to push it away and hurt people that we don't want to hurt. This has always been how I am because I know how critical I am on myself and I feel like I'm unlovable at some points, so I push people away. It's hard, not being so critical of yourself, to accept love because we feel like we're the worst, because we know ourselves. We know our faults and we know our minds and what we think and a lot of us don't like what we think and so we might lash out at people who try to love us because we don't think that we deserve it. We don't think we're worthy.

This quote also sticks out to me because I've seen a lot of abusive relationships that weren't healthy for at least one of the parties. A good person thought that the person that they were with was great because they thought that they deserved everything that they were getting. They thought that they deserved to be "punished" for doing something wrong and that's just not true. No one deserves to be abused no matter who they are or what they've done. We need to accept the love that we actually deserve, not the love that we think we deserve and to do that people need to surround themselves with people that will remind them that they deserve to be loved.

A lot of insecurities come from people not showing love to the people that they love. They think that showing love is "not cool," but it's probably one of the coolest things that someone can do. Someone might not want the love you're giving out, but it's those people that need it the most and sometimes you just have to be patient. You can't force love on someone that doesn't want it, it doesn't work like that, but you have to show them that you'll be with them through thick or thin, you'll be there no matter what they say or do. We have to help them to accept the love that they deserve because they probably won't get there on their own.

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