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Hey guys,

Today I wanted to talk about betrayal and feeling betrayed by a friend, whether big or small. Betrayal's a hard concept and it sucks to go through and it's from a friend, not an enemy. Betrayals happen and they suck, but picking yourself up and moving on is so important because they don't respect you. If you let them back into your life, that's on you, but I've always thought that the best thing to do is to just smile and move on, no revenge, nothing because being happy is probably the greatest revenge you can do. Betrayal comes in all forms: a wife cheating on her spouse, a friend telling a secret to someone else, or a parent going behind your back and getting you help. I'm going to take each of these scenarios because they're all different.


I think cheating is a case by case basis, but I don't think there's an excuse for cheating. Cheating is one of the worst things someone can do to their S/O because it just breaks the trust and that takes so long to get back. I mean one of the worst (most common, that we hear about) things someone can do. I mean it just completely breaks down that relationship and there is recovering, but I think most relationships after that just can't recover because how do you choose to love someone that isn't choosing to love you back, when they said they would. Words are cheap and they only mean anything if actions follow them. A good quote from Izuku Midoriya from "My Hero Academia" is, "It's not a matter of whether or not I can do it. A hero's job is to risk his life to make the lip service into reality!" Without actions, our words mean nothing. A friend telling a secret to someone else

I think this one depends on the person and the situation entirely, cheating is a lot clearer compared to this because I've done this before and I still feel bad about it and I don't even remember what I did, but I remember one of my friends talking about a closer friend behind his back, so I told him and the friend that talked about him did NOT like that. I don't think I was right in this situation, but I don't know if I was wrong either. I've always felt it's okay to tell others if it concerns them because if you didn't want it said to them then don't say it. I think that this is case by case, so if you need any advice with this one, feel free to message me and I'll do my best!

Parent going behind your back to get you help

This one sucks. If you tell your parents they aren't listening and they get you a therapist, then that doesn't help, that will just exacerbate the problem even if it's a good therapist because they just need YOU, the parent to be there. Parents will ignore you and then when you come to them with problems be like "wait what, how" and sometimes they change and become better, and sometimes they just have someone else deal with you. Sometimes a parent betrays you with good intentions, they just want to help you and they're admitting they don't know how, but it sucks in the moment because they went behind your back, especially if you said you didn't want that.

As you can see, most betrayals are case by case basis, but it's the feeling of betrayal that sucks. Sometimes people betray you to help you, they have good intentions but we can be blinded by our own feelings at the time. I wish you luck and always feel free to admit if you need help or if you just want to go on a tangent and have someone able to listen, I'm always willing. Good luck everyone and have a great day!

- Alex Risdall :)

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