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Day 7,153

Hey guys,

Today was a decent day. I woke up at 8:48, absolutely exhausted and immediately emailed my TA that I wasn't going to be able to make it into class today (I was already 18 minutes late when I woke up and I was not in any state to go, they probably would have been done by the time I made it anyways). Then I tried to go back to sleep and couldn't until 11 (I just watched youtube) and then I had two dreams and woke up twice between 11 and 12:30. I then woke up for real and sat in bed for a few hours, had a few mental breakdowns, and was overall not very productive. Though at 5 PM I worked out, which was good (though I almost choked on my weighted vest). Then I came home and did homework for the rest of the night/watched youtube/Justice League. Overall, it was a chill day that I needed to get my head back on straight and I sort of want another one tomorrow, but I have a research paper introduction due tomorrow so that will be fun. Anyways, I'm going to read my devotions and head to bed, so good night everyone and have good dreams!

Alex Risdall

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