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Day 7,174

Hey guys,

Today was a pretty good day. I woke up at 7:43 AM and got ready for class, then I went to class and class was really short (I was done by 9:15 AM). I went to the office and did my homework for the day and then my brother was going off to Texas, so I went home and helped him pack (10:30 AM). I went to lunch with my dad and then looked at new places for his office, but none of them really stood out to us. I looked at bikes and found one I liked, though I'm sleeping on it to make sure this is what I really want to do and asking God about it. Tomorrow, I'm probably going to buy the bike unless something changes and I'm really excited. After that, I helped my grandma move some things into her storage and then went home and had steak and read and practiced some music (VERY LITTLE, though I am trying to start a new habit there) and I did some homework and watched some Friends. I'm exhausted, so good night and have good dreams everyone!

- Alex Risdall :)

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