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Day 7,274

Hey guys,

Today was a really good day. I woke up and biked to the gym, then I biked to my friend's house and we met up with two of my other friends and played some Tennis. I got home around Noonish and thought I had volunteering, but it wasn't until 3:30 PM so I watched "The Fault in Our Stars," which got me thinking about legacies and why we're so obsessed with them, which was really cool. I volunteered and that was really fun, I felt like I was helping people, but there's still so many people to help. I got home and grabbed dinner for me and my brother and then started working on the blogsite, instagram, and watched a show. I have biking tomorrow, but tomorrow morning is dedicated completely to the blog/reading/book reports for Tales Talk Tuesday. I have a lot more to do, so I hope you guys are having an amazing day and have good dreams and an AWESOME night! Cya guys tomorrow

- Alex Risdall :)

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