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Day 7,306

Hey guys,

Today was my birthday. Yay... What a joyful day. Anyways, today wasn't that great of a day. I woke up and did some stuff this morning to try and cheer myself up, but it didn't work. Then I went downstairs and made bacon and ate some fruit and my mom brought me a Happy Meal, which was nice. I went biking and then got back from biking cause my dad said he wanted to go biking and to go play tennis and that he was free all day. I got back at 2:30 and chilled in my room and watched a movie and my brother and mom came in wondering if I wanted to go biking and play tennis, but I told them I was waiting for my dad. Eventually, I said yes to going biking with my mom and that was awful because I felt like it was expected from me. I don't know, maybe I just romanticize my birthday too much and expect too much from people. "Hope is for suckers." Then I got home and my dad was pumping up tires for biking, but they weren't pumping so me and him were going to take them to Eric's and then grab food at Outback. We got an eighth of the way there when he turned around because one of our neighbors was going to help, so I went to Outback by myself and then got back home and ate for 10 minutes by myself before my family got home. My brother and mom walked in with a strawberry banana smoothie from Mcdonald's (that was I promised like 5 hours prior) and my dad walked in and started talking about how he was sucked into talking to the neighbors. Then I opened my presents (got a photo album) and then went upstairs and started typing this, when my brother and mom came in with ice cream to try so I tried one of each (both mint chocolate chip) and then blew out my candles and didn't want anymore. Probably going to try to head to bed now, so good night everyone and have good dreams. Hope you all had a great day.

-Alex Risdall :)

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