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Day 7,309

Hey guys,

Today I woke up and went to volunteering and then I came home and showered, went to get ice cream with two of my friends. I got Pirate's booty and peppermint bon bon, which was really good (I highly recommend these two flavors, but peppermint bon bon on top and pirate's booty on the bottom). Then my friend drove me home and my brother invited me bouldering (rock climbing without harnesses and it's a little lower than usual). Anyways, we met up with 4 of his friends there and that was super fun and was just a blast of a time. My forearms do hurt a bit though (I'll get over it once I sleep). Also I am resetting my sleep schedule.

Back to my day: I went to my friend's house for a walk and then another friend joined us, so that was fun and we walked downtown (not saying city) and then we played a Wii game where I lost sadly, but it was fun (and luck based :P). Anyways, I drove home and now I am mega tired, but I'm watching Youtube and hopefully going to be able to pull through. I have a workout in an hour. Hope you guys had a good day and have a good night and good dreams. TTYL

-Alex Risdall :)

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