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Day 7,327

Hey guys,

Today was a great day. I woke up and went to the gym and then I wrote some poetry, skipped my first class (Calculus and showed up late so had a panic attack and will try again on Wednesday, moving on), then wrote some more poetry and chilled for a bit. I went to my next class and then went home (missed my first bus stop, but the second one is actually better). Once I got home I worked on homework, went biking with my dad, worked on more homework and then tried to get a schedule down for the week. My friend told me he wanted to talk (if that's not ominous, I don't know what is) so that will come soonish and I'm still working on the blog and on my Instagram page, so that's fun. Anyways, I got Outback for dinner and went to Target so that was fun and now I'm going to bed because it's past my bed time. Have a good night everyone and have good dreams and I hope you had a good day!

-Alex Risdall :)

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