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Days of the Week (Miscellaneous Monday #1)

Hey guys,

So to start writing more blog posts, I've decided to theme each day of the week. I have a few done already, but I do not have any for Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. So far I have: Belief Sunday Miscellaneous Monday Tuesday Poetry Wednesday Thursday Writing Prompt Friday (I have a Writing Prompt book, helps to get me thinking) Saturday And repeats I will also continue to do my journals. I'll brainstorm more tonight. I might try and do a book a week and then do a book talk one of the days. That might actually help cement the books in my head, so let's do that for Tuesday. Thursdays and Saturdays are still up in the air, I'll probably also have a sheet on Sundays that tells what's up this week, but we'll do that today So tomorrow we'll do: Atomic Habits Wednesday: Poem (Probably the one about my grandpa, I don't think it's on here yet and it's fitting since I'm in Texas right now)

Thursday: Still unsure - maybe Music day? That might be fun, just picking a song and talking about why I like it so much Friday: Writing Prompt Saturday: Completely not sure: Can't do another miscellaneous, maybe just a recap of the week - highs and lows and what went right. I think that would work well. So yea, after further review, the final list is: Miscellaneous Monday Tales Talk Tuesday (Book Talk Tuesday) Wordplay Wednesday (Poetry Wednesday)

Theatre and Tunes Thursday (Music Thursday, might talk about some cool musicals) Food for Fought Fridays (Writing Prompts, where I describe how I take it but you can think about your answers, will give the prompts on the first day of the week). Prompt for this week: "What is your Favorite Way to spend a lazy day?" Might do a writing prompt that will challenge my creative writing as well on this day, but will start off decently easy as of right now. Summary Saturday Scriptorium Sundays

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