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Updated: Mar 14, 2022

I've been doing a lot of thinking about dreams and my dreams for the future. I've been thinking about how to make my dreams come true and I don't think I've been fair to myself or to you guys. Dreams don't just happen overnight, there are "overnight sensations," but we don't see the work and effort they put into before and after that. Dreams are the habits that make up our everyday lives, they're the character that we build through those habits. I always thought that dreams changed the life, but the life changes the dream.

I've always been told that "one man can't make a difference," not by my parents but by others. Haven't we seen one person make a difference? We say that they wouldn't have without others and I think that's true, but it's them that makes the others better. An example of this would be Jesus: He made everyone around Him better and think about their lives and habits and what they were doing. He changed them.

Another example that I recently watched is a movie called "Greater" (It's on Netflix and I highly recommend, this movie along with "The Lodge") that's about a guy named Brandon Burlsworth. Brandon was a walk-on for the Arkansas Razorhawks and he changed his teammates for the better. Why? Because he showed them that he was someone that was willing to work for what he wanted. He changed them so that they became better.

That's all a dream is, you have a vision for something better and you want to make that dream happen by making people around you better. You want to be better. Dreams don't happen all of the sudden. They happen from a consistent series of changes. A quote I once read was "you can't go from A to Z without going through the rest of the alphabet first." This basically says that you can't start at the beginning and skip to the end and assume that you got B-Y. You have to start from A and go through each stage or else you'll just be stuck with ZA and you know what ZA is? Nothing.

Dreams don't start unless you do.

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