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"All men are not created equal" - Kohei Horikoshi.

This quote is from a manga called My Hero Academia and, from my experience, it is true. No one is created equal and no one should be expected to be equal to another person because we are all different in some way. But those differences don't mean that we have to only celebrate or discriminate against what is different. It means that we should celebrate what is the same and what is different. This is so much harder to put into practice, but it will only benefit us as people. I remember that I used to think that I was awful if I wasn't as naturally good at something as others. I still think this way sometimes, but people have different experiences and different brains and different bodies that make them good at different things. Someone may be naturally better at you than something, but that does not mean give up. We should try hard to get better at anything that we're bad at, but passionate about so that we can compete and, hopefully, be the best. Don't just do the things that you are naturally good at because then you'll never learn.

I don't think that we can ever have a truly equal society, but we do try our best. People will always have some sort of prejudice against a certain group or certain ideals and that's just inherent bias in people. I think that we are getting closer to having equal rights for everyone and being truly equal, but I think that there will always be some sort of prejudice, whether that's based on a person's actions or not is what's at stake though.

If people were all the same and equal, then we would have a boring life in a society of clones and nothing would ever change. It's okay to be different, it's okay to not be equal to others and it's okay to fail.

"Winners never quit and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi.

So keep going, keep moving and keep trying. Every failure is a lesson that you learn from. You win whether you are the winner or the loser because if you lose, then you can gain knowledge, but if you win then you cement the knowledge that you do have.

We are not all created equal and we can't all have the same education or experiences because that's just not how people work. We also can't just sit back and get money for doing nothing and expect the government to provide for our needs. That just isn't plausible because then we'll just get lazy and think that the "government will take care of me, so I don't need to get a job," which is such a toxic mindset and it makes people not want to work. We need to keep working and we can't provide for everyone as a government. Charity is there for the people that can't provide for themselves and I think that we should help provide for the impaired, but not give them everything, they should still have to work. We're not all equal and if we pretend to be then we are impairing people from embracing their natural gifts and setting them up for failure later in life.

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