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"Sometimes your circle decreases in size, but increases in value." - Dulce Ruby

This is so true because you can lose a friend, your entire group can lose a friend and because of that loss, you all become closer. I saw an image illustrating this quote and it was just a nickel and a dime. True friends are hard to come by. You need to relish those friends because you probably aren't going to be near them forever, people move apart. That doesn't mean that the friendship has to diminish. While they may not always be at your side, they'll always be in your heart, leaving an imprint that will be with you forever.

"A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. If not, they weren't true friends in the first place." - Julia Turner

If someone is truly a friend then they'll value your opinion no matter if they disagree with it. A friend is a two-way street, if they're struggling with something, then you help them with that because that's what you'd want them to do for you.

A friend is there until the end,

Always around the bend,

Always there with a hand to lend,

That's what lies in a friend,

Sometimes they do something that they didn't intend,

But a real friend doesn't play pretend.

This poem that I wrote basically says what I feel about friendship and what friendship means to me. You can have all the disagreements in the world, but that doesn't mean that you aren't there to back your friend up when they need it. True friends back their friends up, but can also challenge them to make them better and see it from a different perspective. A true friend is not one you always agree with, but one that, even in the disagreements, you are still friends, like the quote says. Friendship is a beautiful thing that can last a lifetime, even if that friend leaves.

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