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Goodbye and Thank You

Updated: Aug 6, 2022

Good Bye and Thank You - Kira Kosarin

This song is helping me say goodbye to some parts of myself that I need to get rid of and it’s been a big help. Because you can be grateful for what someone or some part did but you can also realize that you don’t want that part anymore. That’s scary. I love this song though and I love the lyric “there’s a chalkboard in the kitchen full of people I don’t know anymore” because it just, it’s scary that someone you once knew can be a stranger. That you can know that you love them and want the best for them and you can know some mundane facts but you don’t know them. But people grow and change into different people than the ones they used to be and that’s okay :) I hope you have the courage to say good bye and be grateful for the time you had together. Good luck and thank you for all you guys have done for me.

-Alex Risdall :)

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