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Growth Mindset (Scriptorium Sunday #3)

Hey guys,

I do believe anyone can do anything they set their mind to. I think that if there’s a will and a drive and a passion and you don’t give up then anyone can achieve anything. I believe in a world where the lame can walk again, where the blind can see, where the deaf can hear. I believe that people can accomplish the impossible if they want to because all the impossible says is “I’m possible.”

“When there’s a will, there’s a way” applies so well here because life will always try to drag you down and make you not want to walk or live, but it’s where you say no, even if you have to walk alone or crawl alone. It’s going to be hard to drag yourself out of the pits and sometimes, I hate to say it, but you just can’t do it alone because of one reason or another. You will be found.

If you look at something and say it’s impossible then it is because you never try to make it happen. You just throw your hands up and scream and complain and walk away. Failure isn’t in the bad attempts and not doing something - failure is when you give up. Failure is when you look at something and say I can’t and don’t try or try and don’t succeed one time so you don’t try again. That’s what failure is. If you never got back up on the bicycle then you’d fail at learning to ride a bike. And like a bike, in life you have to keep moving to keep balance and sometimes that means trying over and over and over. People aren’t made overnight, they’re made from habits, from repetitive actions throughout your day. Let’s make our habits align with our goals, together. :)

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