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I'll leave you alone

I didn't mean to pry,

I just wanted to know why,

But instead I just keep on trying to get by,

I feel like I want to die

But I don't tell anyone because it's easier to lie.

I'll leave you alone

I'm sorry I tried to throw you a bone

when you already had 10 people ready to call you on the phone

I know that I was never your comfort zone

So instead I move on

But my chest still feels like it weighs a ton

But I need to find myself again

and learn how to have fun without my pen

I just wanted a friend

But now I sort of just want it to end

I love the pain

But sometimes it crashes down like a tidal wave instead of rain

and I don't know how much longer I can take this from my brain

So when I leave I hope I don't leave a stain

I hope that everyone moves on knowing that I'm ok now

And maybe one day they'll remember this vow

That nothing lasts forever, even though it may feel that way

That sometimes you will sway

But God will always stay

And it's ok to take a break and lay

Because God will still make a way

And tomorrow will be a new day

And it will all be okay

Maybe that won't happen soon

But it's ok to stay as a cascoon

If you need to protect yourself

But one day you need to let down your walls and become a beautifly

I didn't mean to pry

But I'm glad I did

Because now I know

That once you take off a lid

You can't put it back on the same way

So if it's what you want then I'll leave you alone

But if it's not then maybe I can be your comfort zone

And maybe someday when I need it you'll throw back the bone

But for now just remember that you're more than your phone

And you are so loved

Even if you can't see it sometimes

You will not be left alone

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