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"I've never cared much for Mondays. If I were king of the world, I'd have Mondays removed from the calendar. Of course the problem in that is that Tuesday would become the new Monday, which would defeat the purpose." - Michael Vey: Prisoner of Cell 25 (Richard Paul Evans)

Mondays aren't the best day of the week - you just got off the weekend and you want to go back to bed and go back to the weekend, but Mondays you get to go back to school. You get to see friends, you get to work and maybe you don't like working or school and that's okay, but Mondays are a seventh of your life. That's 14% of your life that you hate because of work and school and that's only if you hate Mondays - that's not including if you dread every workday because you hate your job or hate having to get up. Mondays are great and you should do something on Mondays that are special so that you have something to look forward to - Mondays for me are Cane's days (Along with Fridays) and pizza days (I know a lot of carbs, but I usually try to do a lot of work on Mondays and so I need a lot more energy), but just do something you like to do.

Before I turn 20, I want to try new things, so I'm going to try for the next 4 months trying something new everyday - doing something that scares me to help me grow because I want to love life, I want to love Mondays and I want to love deeper and dream bigger. I want to live a life that will be remembered and that will be lived for God. Mondays won't get better unless you do something to make them better and I know that's hard, but all it takes is doing it once and setting a time to do it - setting a way up that you won't fail with what you set out to do.

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