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Not a fan (Tales Talk Tuesday #3)

not a fan.

Finished 11/9/2021

This book really spoke to me and made me realize a lot about my own perceptions and who I am as a Christian. This book talked a lot about how a lot of fans think they are followers because they go to church and they do the bare minimum, but they aren’t willing to give up their stuff, they’re still connected to this world. It talks about how we are slaves to God and He is our Master, not ourselves or our desires, but Him. It’s really good at explaining that Jesus literally said that on the day of reckoning, He will go up to people and say that He “never knew them.” This is basically saying that there are people that are going to say to him, “Lord, Lord” and He doesn’t know them because they didn’t know Him. They loved Him when it was convenient for them, but not when it was inconvenient, they weren’t willing to lose their lives and their stuff.

Key Takeaways for me were that I was not living how a Christian should. I was living like how I wanted to and letting God take a backseat, not take the wheel. I was willing to let God take the wheel when it was convenient for me, but then as soon as He started driving down what I perceived as a “dead end,” I would take back control and go a different direction

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