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Prompts from the Week

That person left

Let them reside on their deathbed

It doesn’t matter what they said

They’re painted red

And are pronounced dead

Mourn if you need to

Don’t let it consume you

Since they couldn’t stay true to the crew

There probably won’t be a breakthrough

So make a new you that has an awesome debut

Be you because the person you used to know, they’re dead

Curiosity killed the cat

But satisfaction brought it back

Don’t let your curiosity lead you astray

For curiosity is supposed to make the way

So if you work hard and don’t just lay and stay in one way

You will find a reason to pray

You need to stay curious and not allow yourself to get furious

Over what you fail

For this is your tale

And you might be pale

But have courage to set sail

And make a way where you prevail

I think I grow too slow

I saw you today and I said woah

You sure put on a show

I guess you reap what you sow

You were always the best of us

Never put up much of a fuss

I was always too much of a wuss

Too afraid to fail

So you outgrew me

While I sat back and watched

You’re happier now

And I’m so proud of you

But you grew so fast

Left me reeling in the blast

Wish I could catch up

But all I can do is love who you are

And watch you fly high

I wish I’d grow too

It feels long overdue

But it was never meant for me

The downsides of slow growth

I need correction

Being pulled in a thousand directions

Not sure who’s in my reflection

Or what part of my brain I’m using for this section

Wish I was better at diction

All I have is fiction

I write to feel better

But it never works so I just put down the letter

Lay in my bed

I need someone to tell me what I’m doing wrong

I need correction

You outgrew me faster than I could blink

I ran away so I could think

But you kept growing

And now I sit from the sidelines

Knowing you used to be mine, but our time was up

I refuse to follow you like a pup

I check in occasionally to see what’s up

Sometimes it’s just to see if you miss me

Like I miss you

But you outgrew me

And I needed to grew too

I’m sorry that we couldn’t grow together

But you needed someone that could grow at your pace

So I gave you space

Let myself leave you

I’m sorry if I hurt you

But you seem to be doing so much better

Than you ever could have

With me

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