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Hey guys,

Sorry I just needed to get my thoughts on this out there. I am a Christian and I will always be a Christian because it is the most logical course of action that I can think of and if you've been hurt by Christianity then I'm sorry.

I'm a Christian because I believe there is a God, but also because it's logical, it's logical because if being a Christian is true and all you have to do is believe, then I don't see why you wouldn't do that because if any other religion IS true then you can still go to their version of Heaven. Every religion, besides Christianity, has you get into heaven based on good works - good works that Christians do because they love God. If there's even a 1% chance that God is real, then I don't see the reason why you wouldn't take that chance, even if there was a 0.0000000000001% chance that He was real.

First off, you have someone that you can always talk to and that will always listen.

Second off, you don't have to worry because you know the Creator of the entire world and universe, that's pretty awesome.

Third off, you know that your eternal life is guaranteed and if you die and find out that He isn't real, well you're dead anyway so it doesn't really matter overall. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm just saying that, statistically speaking, I don't see why you wouldn't take the chance to be right and have eternal life. Eternal life scares me, but I'd rather have that than the alternative and I want to see all my friends and family up there with me. I've met some of my greatest friends through the church and I know that the church has made a lot of mistakes, I know all about it and I've seen it firsthand, the hurt, the frustration that the church has caused.

But honestly, choosing to be a Christian, choosing this life is the best choice I've ever made because it's shaped my entire life and I hope that I can help shape other people's lives because of what God has done for me. I hope that I can reform the school system, that I can help the poor, that I can help the people being kidnapped and forced to do sexual acts for money. I want to help people and I want to make a better world for the kids, whether they're mine or not. I don't know if I'll ever see my dream come to fruition, but I know that I'm all in on God and I'm all in on my dreams. I want to see a world where kids don't have to worry about climate change, where they don't have to worry about being kidnapped and I don't think that world is completely possible, but I want to try. I'm hoping this blog will help with that, but I want to help the poor and help break chains of poverty. I want to give kids the tools necessary to have a healthy and successful life if that's what they choose. Isn't that what America's all about? There are literally countries out there that are doing a better job than we are and we aren't copying them? Listen, I get that it's wrong to plagiarize, but just change the answers a little bit and let's start to build something new because this system doesn't work.

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