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"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." - Benjamin Franklin

This quote is as true today as when it was first said, especially right now. You can do as many good deeds as you want, but if you get caught doing one thing that you shouldn't, it can destroy your reputation and career forever. This is really wise advice because it takes a long time to build up a good reputation and if you slip, even once, it can have detrimental effects and ripple out of control. This is true for so many people and it can explain so much about how some people think and have gotten to where they were. I know this because I lost my reputation when someone claimed I was cheating in a gaming community. I wasn't cheating, but it was so hard to convince anyone of that and even harder to get my reputation back. I had to work so hard to get that reputation back and to build that back up and it took at least two years to do it.

"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy." - the Joker.

This quote is true, but also untrue because while it can just take one single day for some people, it usually comes as a result of a bad mindset for awhile. When we approach things, we have to keep in mind our mindset and be conscious about our thoughts. We can't just let our thoughts run wild and then go to lunacy, we have to be in control of our thoughts and keep going in the direction of who we want to be.

The Joker quote goes along with the Benjamin Franklin quote because a bad day could result in you losing your entire reputation and flying off the handles. All it takes is one bad day to lose your entire reputation and everything you have worked for. But we are expected to get back up and try again, and that's hard. Sometimes you'll feel like giving up after your reputation is thrown in the gutter, but we have to keep going because no one is going to keep going for us.

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