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Silver Lining (Theatre and Tunes Thursday #1)

Silver Lining by Camille Peruto

This song is one of my favorites and I love hearing it because it always makes me smile. This song highlights the highlights of life and how we get better, not by doing something right, but by trying. You learn more in a failure than you do in success and this song really highlights that and I just love how it's about living life and looking at the positives of life instead of the negatives.

I first heard this song as a Nightcore by Sinnon ( and it has stuck to me after I first heard it because I heard it during a really hard time in my life. I was going through a lot of emotions and trying to come to terms with who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do with my life. I remember hearing this song and not thinking much of it and then just hearing the line "better just by trying," and I remember thinking, "wow we really are better just by trying and I need to remember that so I'm not too hard on myself for failing." I want it like that, like the song says. "Better just by trying" and "leave it better or the same as you found it" are my two life mottos for a reason. Let's have a great day and let's leave the world a better place!

- Alex Risdall :)

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