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Summary Saturday

Hey guys,

This week was actually pretty good. I learned some new art forms and started sketching and went to a concert by myself and worked out. I really pushed my comfort zone and will continue to do so and keep learning and going. I think this week was really good, Gansey joined the blog and I learned more about myself.

Gym: 2/3 - missed today because I was exhausted from coming home late last night Drawing: 1/7 - Still trying to get this habit down and I am miserably failing Guitar: 2/7 - Same as above

Piano: 0/7 - learning from my friend this along with drawing when I visit her next week. Writing: 7/7 - Did really good at keeping up with my blog this week, still need to do a lot more work and find time to make all of the series that I want to at this moment Learning new skills: Not doing that good here, but I am getting some new materials to start learning some new things.

Grilling: Learned (need to test it out by myself, but for the most part seemed pretty straight forward) How to write a song: Not learned, still working on it and got some new lyrics that I'm going to play around with in the coming weeks Scheduling Classes: Still need to sign up ;) - I emailed a professor and I'm not entirely sure what I want to learn, but I know that I want to learn more and do more.

Marketing/Adverting - Haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'm working on it and will ask my parents soonish since they'll know a lot about it School Systems: Haven't started yet (Well I've started researching, but not anything else) I have a lot more work to do, but I know that we can do it. Hope you guys had a great week, let's continue to improve ourselves.

- Alex Risdall :)

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