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Summary Saturday :)

Hey guys,

This week was actually pretty good. I really pushed my comfort zone and will continue to do so and keep learning and going. I think this week was good.

Concerts: 1/1 :) Colorado: 1/1 Iowa: 1/1

Gym: 1/3 - Every gym day, I was driving at least 8 hours so I didn't go to the gym as much as I wanted to.

Photography: 4/7 - Need to start posting these onto my instagram and probably going to have a spot on my blog for photos I take, but I'm really excited that I GOT A CAMERA WOOOO. Drawing: 0/7 - Just completely failed here Guitar: 0/7 - Same as above

Piano: 0/7 - Same as above (sadly) Writing: 7/7 - A few of them were late, but I did do one everyday and I need to do more prompts on Fridays and promote more.

Duolingo: 6/7 - I missed yesterday because of the concert and just being depressed and exhausted.

Diet: Wasn't the best this week, ate way too much ice cream and carbs instead of healthy fats and meats. Ate some fruits, need more vegetables (if anyone has any recommendations).

Cooking: Need to start learning how to make my own food, unsure what I want to start with at this moment (maybe Asparagus?)

Baking: I want to try making ice cream cone cupcakes because they just sound fun Learning new skills: I got the tools needed to learn lockpicking, spray painting, and engraving - Need to start trying it out and just doing it within the next week.

Grilling: Need to test out by myself within the next week which should be fun :) How to write a song: Not learned, got even more lyrics though and I need to learn song lyric composition then gonna have my friend work with me to make the chord progression Scheduling Classes: Still need to sign up ;) - my professor got back to me and gave me some things to look into and so I am going to do that and learn what I need to before making an educated decision (still have a month left).

Marketing/Adverting - Haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'm working on it and will ask my parents soonish since they'll know a lot about it School Systems: Haven't started yet (Well I've started researching, but not anything else) I have a lot more work to do, but I know that we can do it. Hope you guys had a great week, let's continue to improve ourselves.

I got new shoes and I asked a person if I could take a photo for them (which was super nerve wracking). I also tried to strike up more conversations with strangers and am continuing to improve in my social skills. I'm really glad I got to go to Colorado/Iowa for the week (it was a lot of fun) and I'm really proud of how I'm progressing.

- Alex Risdall :)

Cool Song! :p, but I mostly wanted the cover image

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