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Summary Saturday

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

Hey guys,

I'm probably going to start just listing activities that I want to see more of myself doing


Hiking: 2/7 - Just went hiking with some friends, which was FUN and I would be lucky to do it again :)

Photography: 3/7 - LET'S GOOOO. Sorry got a lot of photos today and just had a lot of fun. Hopefully, will have time soon to go through my photos Drawing: 0/7 - Just completely failed here Guitar: 0/7 - Same as above

Piano: 0/7 - Same as above (sadly) Writing: 7/7 - A few of them were late, but I did do one everyday and I need to do more prompts on Fridays and promote more.

I also need to just write more, I'm working on a story and I need to do more prompts and just write for contests to get my name out there.

Engraving: I need to find a good walking stick that will help me engrave on it.

Duolingo: 6/7 - I know I missed one day (probably Wednesday) from being too exhausted.

Diet: Did better this week than last, still have a few improvements to make, but I was feeling good and I need to cut some stuff out and add some stuff to the grocery list.

Cooking: Need to start learning how to make my own food, unsure what I want to start with at this moment (maybe Asparagus?) (this is same as last week)

Baking: I want to try making ice cream cone cupcakes because they just sound fun (this is same as last week) Learning new skills: Engraving, Advertising, Spray Painting are on my list for this next week!

Grilling: Grilled by myself and was really proud of myself. :) How to write a song: Not learned, got even more lyrics though and I need to learn song lyric composition then gonna have my friend work with me to make the chord progression (this is same as last week)

Lockpicking: 3/7 - started learning, need to practice more. Scheduling Classes: Signed up for some of them and was ready to sign up for all of them when the classes I wanted said I couldn't sign up for them for one reason or another (need to contact someone)

Scheduling Clubs: need to email a few people :) and also need to talk to my parents about classes for parkour/martial arts

Marketing/Adverting - I ASKED MY MOM, hopefully she responds and can help me with it. School Systems: Haven't started yet (Well I've started researching, but not anything else) I have a lot more work to do, but I know that we can do it. Hope you guys had a great week, let's continue to improve ourselves. (this is same as last week)

Photo Album: Purchased a new photo album recalling the summer adventures which is AWESOME.

Scrapbooking: 0/7 - Need to start this since I don't want to spend so much on photo albums each time.

Bedtime Workout: 2/7 - just a few things at bedtime

Devotions: 5/7 - cut back quite a bit this week since I was exhausted a lot, but I did what I could.

I hiked and continued to make progress and seemed to have a lot more energy this week, though I need to continue to do more and living life to the best. Got a haircut this week and I really like my new cut and I'm really happy with how I'm progressing. Need to contact a few more people about opportunities, but I will continue to go.

- Alex Risdall :)

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