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Sunrises and Sunsets (Miscellaneous Monday #2)

Hey guys,

We made it through the first week of “Days of the Week!” I think it went pretty well overall and there will be a schedule for this next week at the end of this post.

Sunrises and sunsets are two of my favorite times of the day because they are so relaxing and anyone can enjoy them. You just need to find the right spot and that’s usually the hardest part - especially finding a spot that’s legal. I have a few good spots (that won’t be shared here), but basically all you need is a hill or elevated surface that faces towards what you’re trying to see. Anyways, sunrises and sunsets are probably one of the things that I love most because they are always there and just put me at peace. They show you that each day will end and start with the sun - even if the sun might be hidden by the rain or snow, it’s still there cheering you on and I just find that so helpful, that it doesn’t matter what you did yesterday because today is the day that matters. I just love that message

Onto the days for this week:

Tales Talk Tuesday - Michael Vey (I did not finish Little Women)

Poetry Wednesday/ Wordplay Wednesday - I have a few poems posted on my Instagram that will be uploaded to the blog that day and I will be posting a couple other poems. Should be fun!

Theatre and Tunes Thursday - This will most likely just be whatever song I listen to for that day, unsure there’s a lot of songs to talk about

Food for Fought Friday - Write a Diary Entry dated 10 years in the future

will probably get another prompt since this isn’t really debatable

Summary Saturday - Normal

Scriptorium Sunday - Not sure, might discuss my core values

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