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Used To Be

Isn't it strange how we can see a person for what they used to be

But can't see them now

We can look at the old videos of ourselves

Of our friends and of our families

And we look and we see people who could just be

But those people are dead now

They don't exist in the same way

Because we are constantly changing and growing

And that's a good thing

But if you focus on the past

And who someone used to be

You don't see who they are right now

The amazing person that they are

I'm happy I got to know you for where you were at that time and I hope that I keep figuring out who you are

Again and again

Because I love you and I choose you

And if you don't choose me, that's okay because we change and we grow and I just want you to be happy

So thank you for letting me be in your life, however long that may be.

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