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Villains and Heroes

"There are no villains or heroes. Just people with different agendas." - Daredevil.

I love this quote and this one has always stayed with me whenever I disagree with anyone because this is literally a rule for life. We look at people around us and sometimes try to dehumanize them because they dehumanize others, but they're still people. Underneath everything, there's someone screaming for help, a little person that wanted the best for the world at some point. Some people are evil, but I don't think that they were always that way and I want to help them. Everyone needs help sometimes and the people that we might think are evil could just be people that didn't get the help that they needed when they needed it. People are complicated and I feel like we try to simplify them, when we can't. Not everything is black and white, there is always gray in everything and we need to remember that.

Every superhero movie always tries to make the villain seem like the bad guy, but the protagonist isn't always the hero. The protagonist of a story doesn't automatically make them the good guy. Sometimes good people do bad things because they have to and get classified as a hero, even though they did bad things on the journey to get to the good ending. The ends do not justify the means and I think that we forget that because "no one died" or because it all worked out in the end. That just isn't how it works.

One thing that I always try to keep in mind that this quote reminds me of is that every villain needed a hero at one point and they weren't there. Most villains are just little kids that wanted a hero that wasn't there when they needed them. Heroes aren't meant to be perfect because that just isn't true, but it's what we do about our imperfections that shape if we're a hero or a villain.

"Every villain is a hero in his own mind." - Tom Hiddleston.

Every villain thinks that they are in the right and that they are helping an injustice in society. Some villains know what they are doing is wrong, but they think that it's necessary to get their desire. Some people that we claim are heroes do this too because they'll kill people that they deem beyond saving and it's all good because they're the hero, they're the protagonist. We don't often see the other side of the spectrum, the other person's perspective. One movie that put a lot of perspective into me was Joker because we saw his story, we saw how he became a villain, just one bad event after another in a line and that pushed him over the edge. We see it so much in daily life with everyday criminals. You feel like you have to do something and it might not be legal, but you feel that it's your only choice. I think that once we put ourselves in that box of "this is my only choice," we do make it our only choice and we become narrowminded. This isn't good and we need to keep an open mind for most things, there are some things where you need to narrow it down and get change for it because no one else is going to get change for it.

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