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Alex Risdall

Week 2

Hej everyone, This week really flew by. I feel like I just got here, but I also feel like so much has happened. I got a lot done this week. I did a lot of research for my teacher autonomy paper and got my initial lit review done, which is awesome. I also did a lot of research for another research project for a class I'm in. The project is actually turning out really cool, but I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to share about it. Either way, this week I ran most days. I took this weekend off and today (Monday the 29th) I actually went to a running store and they told me why my calves were hurting and what to focus on to fix the issue (I was running with my feet going out which puts more pressure on the inside of my foot). On Friday, I went rock climbing and afterwards we got burgers and this guy came up and started talking to us about America and he put his arm around me and just seemed happy with life. I also had lunch with my visiting host family and we had meatballs, mashed potatoes, lingonberries, and peas. All of it was super good and they're really nice people that I'm glad I've met!

I'm really excited to do more research and just keep learning and that I'm able to focus on photography. I'm hoping to get a few more lenses that are more focused on street photography and to learn more techniques about photography and videography and to be able to do it more. I also want to learn to be a better storyteller, to paint an image and have people see themselves there. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm excited to get started! I also finally was able to do laundry after our laundry room has been flooded for a few days, so that was nice. Overall, a superb week! Hoping to a bit more of a tourist and go to museums in the coming week, but have been settling in and what not. Excited for the future :) Things to do in the coming week: I completed a lot of homework for this week in the last week, so this week is more focused on exploration, gym membership, and getting a routine down. I also want to run more and visit a few museums and I'm going thrifting with my roommate on Saturday which should be really fun!

I forgot my initial list, so I'll update this in the next week. Haven't had a lot of time to study since I've been so focused on my paper. Sorry about that everyone!


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