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Alex Risdall

Week 6

Hej Everyone, Here is the weekly recap for week 6 of my Stockholm journey! :)


Today, I went to the gym and then we had a lecture on olfactory systems in my only class for the day. The rest of the day was pretty chill, I did some work and worked on the paradigm for our project since it crashed a few times (rip). But got a lot done until it crashed again and then we all sort of just took the rest of the day off (those 5 hours that we killed was tragic). The school didn't meet and I tried to go to martial arts today, but I got to the gym and got too overwhelmed so I went climbing instead and that was fun. Then I came home and went to bed since I was exhausted.


Today is a big class day. I ran to the gym and then went to class from 8:30 to 4:30 and did a little work in the 2 hour break I have in there. I sort of had a break this night which was super nice and I just rested.


I woke up and went to the gym then went climbing for a few hours. I wasn't feeling the best, so the session got cut early, but it was still super fun. Then I played some guitar and went to see my friend and study for a little bit before our practical exam. I had my practical exam and passed and then ran home to get food. I got food and came back to school for a research project meeting and then went to martial arts, which was super fun and I'm waiting for an email to sign up for more classes, which I'm super excited about.


Today is my half birthday! I know, not that exciting for some people but I remember as a kid, this would be the day I could bring in treats since my actual birthday was during the summer. I had one class and then a meeting with my advisor for my research project. I also got to meet my visiting host family between meeting my advisor and my only class for the day and we went to an army museum which was a lot of fun and then we had sausages. After my meeting with my advisor, I took a nap, went bowling and then we got burgers. I then had a meeting with someone back home to try to find me a mentor so fingers crossed that something comes from that.


Today was also a big class day. I went to the gym and then went to class. Classes were nice and I felt like I got a lot of work done throughout the day. Then I went climbing that night with two new people to the climbing group and it was a lot of fun! Climbing felt so good today and I think it's because I got lunch and had chicken, so I might be doing that more in the future :). I also went to this really awesome Viking Bar with Kalina and Jacob and that was awesome! We then went to this 3-story club that was super cool and just had a really great night. Once I got back to my dorm, I got to call my friends from home as well because they were hanging out and it was just nice to hear them talk to each other.


Today was just a massive work day. I was in and out of consciousness and when I was awake I would just work on different projects. It felt super nice to rest and just take a chill pill for a day.


Today, I woke up and did laundry. Then me and my roommate made protein pancakes which were super good. After that, my friend Rosa and I went to the palace and that was a lot of fun. We were supposed to study in the morning, but I forgot I had pancakes with my roommate so we just met at the palace. The palace was super cool though and they talked about how they had to make sure that a DJ could come and the castle wouldn't fall apart. Then we went to this cool cafe and did some studying and I had a lemonade which was actually pretty good though it had limes in it so it kind of missed the point. Me and Rosa then got dinner at this taco bar in T-Centralen which was super good. I had quesadillas with a side of chicken that tasted delightful and reminded me a lot of home :). We then had an escape room with my friends Jacob and Kalina and we beat it with 10 minutes left. It was an okay escape room, though I wasn't able to do much over the course of the room which sucked. We then went our separate ways and I came home to watch Across the Spiderverse with my roommate and make popcorn which was delightful. Overall, a splendid Sunday and I hope that I'm able to do something like it in the future.

Hope you guys had an amazing week, I'm looking for parkour/breakdancing (probably breakdancing) for Tuesdays and Thursdays because that sounds awesome.

Signing off,

Alex Risdall :)

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