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Win the Day

Win the Day by Mark Batterson

Win the Day is a book about daily habits and how to accomplish more to become better. The seven habits talked about in the book are: Flip the Script

Kiss the Wave

Eat the Frog

Fly the Kite

Cut the Rope

Wind the Clock

Seed the Clouds

We have to flip the script by flipping how we view ourselves and our story. Do we always see ourselves as a victim or are we conquerors, we have to flip how we see ourselves so that we can become a better version of ourselves. We are not just “one thing,” we are many different things all combined into one person.

Kiss the Wave means that you need to enjoy yourself as you go along this journey, don’t look at the obstacle and see an enemy, look at the obstacle as something that you want to overcome and embrace the challenge. If you only see enemies along your journey then you’ll start to see yourself as a victim instead of as a hero. The obstacle is just what you need to go through in order to get where you want to go.

Eat the Frog means that you need to do the worst thing of your day first so that it doesn’t plague your mind for the rest of the day. Whatever’s hardest for you to do, you need to do first thing so that you can have the rest of the day free to do whatever you want. This helps with working out, reading, or whatever habit you’re trying to build (I mean it can come after coffee or whatever you need to wake up, but it should be one of the first things you do so it doesn’t weigh on your mind all day).

Fly the Kite is that if you halfheartedly do one thing, you’ll half heartedly do everything. You have to “sweat the small stuff” because if you do something really poorly, you’ll eventually do everything really poorly. This isn’t everybody, but people see what they want to see and if you try to excel at everything then you’ll be seen in a better light than if you just give up when the going gets tough.

Cut the Rope means that you need to be able to just go for the risk. Go for the risky investment, ask that girl out, playing it safe is not always a good move because you need to put yourself out there and usually playing it safe isn’t safe at all. I just remember a quote “If you never do the hard stuff, eventually the easy stuff becomes hard, but if you do the hard stuff, the easy stuff stays easy and eventually the hard stuff becomes easy.” Sure, you keep going and it may seem never ending, but sometimes you just have to “eat the frog.”

Wind the Clock means that it doesn’t matter how old you are, what matters is how you perceive yourself and who you are. There was an experiment for people to go back to 1959 and live like they were in 1959 with no clocks or anything from today. Basically this sent people who were 60s-80s at the time back to when they were younger and they actually felt younger. They got a new outlook on life and THOUGHT they were younger which made them act younger and believe they could do things that their younger selves could do. THAT’S REALLY COOL. I really want to redo this experiment because it just sounds fun, but basically you’re never too old or too young to do anything if you believe that you’re a different age.

Seed the Clouds means that what you want to see tomorrow, you have to start today. You can’t wait until tomorrow because tomorrow isn’t promised, but today, today has SO MUCH PROMISE. We have to enjoy the moment of each day and slow down, but also keep going and keep moving because there’s so much to do and so much to love. Life’s too short to not make it amazing.

-Alex Risdall :)

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